The Kingdom of God is a country, with a King, and we, the redeemed are the citizens of that Kingdom. But we cannot buy a ticket, get on a plane and go to that country. It is a spiritual Kingdom. Luke 17:21 …..”the Kingdom of God is within you. ” Col.1:13 “… who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son…” The climate of that Kingdom is righteousness, joy and peace in the holy Ghost. The language of that Kingdom is love. The law of that Kingdom is the Word. The currency of that Kingdom is faith. The King of that Kingdom is Jesus Christ.
The Kingdom of God is about growth, righteousness, Christlikeness, mercy, grace and truth.
The fruit of the Kingdom is righteousness , peace and joy in the holy Spirit.
1. Live according to the light of the Word. 2. Live in the Spirit and not in the flesh. 3. Live by faith ( in God’s Word ) and according to the revealed principles of faith, and not by sight, feelings, the five senses, or our own reasoning. 4. Live the crucified life, the resurrection life. 5. Prayer and fasting. 6. Meditation on the word of God. 7. Matt. 6:33 8. Joshua 1:8. 9. The Sermon on the Mount equals beautiful attitudes, Kingdom living in relation to other people, especially your “enemies.”
10. I am my brother’s keeper. “If you do it to the least of these, you have done it unto me. ” 11. Worship 12. Forgiveness, all principles of the Kingdom of God, and not living by the principles of this world. Ye are in the world, but not of the world. 13. We live by faith principles. 14. We live by the principle of sowing and reaping. Gal 6:7 15. Have power and authority and take dominion. 16. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places, ruling and reigning with Him, and exercising power and authority with and through Him.
The Kingdom of God is God’s domain, His dominion, His authority, His rule, His law, His order, His Lordship. Kingdom mentality- having the mind of Christ. His attitudes according to the Beatitudes, His actions, reactions, His relationship with God and His power and authority.
Have no anxious thoughts, worrying thoughts, or fearful thoughts about tomorrow. Lose your life for Christ’s sake in order to find it. Living to give. Hear and do the Word. The Kingdom of God is about forgiveness, loving, giving and renewing our mind and living by faith in God’s Word.
Heb.1:8 A sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of Thy Kingdom.
1 Cor. 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Rm.14:17 The Kingdom of God is not in word but in power. The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness peace and joy in the holy Ghost. James 2:5 – We are heirs of the Kingdom. We are coming to the countdown to the Kingdom of God being established on the earth when Jesus will reign for a thousand years.
THE KINGDOM OF GOD by Pastor Zarlengo
The Kingdom of God is within us. It is the rule and reign of Christ in us, which is freedom. 2Cor.3:17. We are in the world but not of the world. Identity, personality, destiny – He wants you to fulfill it. The Kingdom of God is the nature, power, influence, character, virtue and the attributes of God, His will, His ways – fused together in the statement – The Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of heaven does not manifest until you have the Kingdom of God ruling and reigning in your heart. Lord, I want Your Kingdom to rule and reign on the inside of me, so then the Kingdom of heaven will manifest through me and in Your world so that others will see it and feel it. It will become observable.
The Kingdom of God is His rule and reign, His dominance, His Lordship and authority in our lives, which is not tyranny but liberty and freedom. 2Cor.3:17. While the Kingdom of God is invisible, the Kingdom of heaven is a place, a visible place where God dwells and where we will dwell with Him forever. Jesus said, The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent… Mk. 1:14-15. There is a power that has arrived that can bring liberty, freedom to your area of weakness. Every chain of bondage can be broken off you. There is a power bigger than you, bigger than self-will- God’s empowering presence. The gospel is good news because a force has arrived, a power has arrived, that transcends your own personal ingenuity, intelligence, experience, education, strength, self-will. All of us know there is some area of bondage, weakness, addiction, control that gets the better of you. It may be drugs, an addiction to pornography. But it goes deeper than that – you may be controlled by unforgiveness, bitterness, greed – it dominates, it controls.
Luke 17:20-22 The Kingdom of God is within you. It is invisible, yes, but when you yield to the reign of the Kingdom of God, then you will see the manifestation of it. We have to be a verbal witness, a character witness and a power witness. Mtt.10:8. Phil.1:6-8. When intimidated by someone, he prays for them, and at that moment a love start coming to his heart and flowing out of his heart, and perfect love casts out all fear.
The holy Spirit is holy and part of His assignment is to make us holy. I can’t do this. I’m not a good author of holiness. I mess up. But I can yield the pages of my heart and say, with the pen in Your hands, holy Spirit, will you sanctify me, and write in me, godliness and righteousness, uprightness, and holiness. Jesus is the author and finisher. That means He holds the pen. Just yield your heart and say, holy Spirit, make me holy. Be ye holy, for I am holy. It is more than a command, it is a promise. He’s saying, Listen. You hang out with me and I’ll make you holy. You abide with Me, and the power witness- you and I know we can’t pull that off. Just as righteousness, we cannot pull off that expression, but we can yield ourselves to Him, and say, Lord, flow through my life, as I pray for this person, let a miracle happen, so you are glorified in this. The reign of the Kingdom impacts the realm of the Kingdom. Let Him reign inside your heart – in the verbal witness, in the character witness, in the power witness. We’ve been called to be a witness.
Reign in me ,Lord, be the One who dominates every area of my life, every where – in the place of work, home, church, every desire, every dream, every aspiration, every hope, every weakness, every struggle, every propensity towards an addiction in my life. Please reign. It’s not will power. It’s an empowered will that comes from Him, so that the realm of Your Kingdom manifests through my life. If the Kingdom of God is going to manifest through our life, then it comes through our virtue, character, attributes, but there is also the power that has to be given expression through your life.
We need the miracle working power of God. Theologians, pastors say it died in the first century. In this season, in this generation it’s going to take more than apologetics , the art of argumentation, it’s going to take more than a song or a sermon, it’s going to take the power of My Spirit flowing through your life. The apostle Paul said, I don’t come with human intellect, or profound articulation where I am eloquent in speech; I come in the power and demonstration of the holy Spirit.
Rm:14-17, 1Cor. 4:20 , Mtt.10:7-8, Acts 4:29-30. Read the scriptures. Jesus told him to have His sons and daughters lift it as their own personal prayers and He will hear it on that day, and what I begin to do in Smithtown Gospel Tabernacle in the months to come will be My hand and My answer to this prayer.
RESTING IN GOD by Pastor Bill Winston.
Once you come into the Kingdom of God by the new birth, all things in the Kingdom are yours. If there is anything on this earth that you need to expand your life, or complete your life, or finish the mission God has for you, you have a right to it. Come unto Me all you who labour and are heaven laden…. Mtt.11:28. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness….. Mtt.6:33.
The Kingdom of God is IT. As long as you think there is an alternative you will never see it as the pearl of great price. We are ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. An ambassador is not a person; he is the embodiment of the kingdom he represents. In the natural, all the ambassador’s needs – food clothing, house, car, children’s tuition fees are paid for by the government that he represents. We are ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. All our needs have already been provided for by the King of the Kingdom of God. ( Myles Munro)
PRESS ON by Gloria Copeland.
Do you know what happened to you when you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life? Not only did you receive forgiveness of sins… not only did you become a new creation on the inside… you were born again into the Kingdom of God. His Kingdom is a wonderful place.
It’s the place where God has dominion and His perfect will is done. It’s where His righteousness reigns, peace abounds and joy in the holy Ghost overflows. Rm.14:17. It’s full of divine blessings such as healing and prosperity. …. For the Blessings to manifest in your life you must press in and lay hold of them. You must believe God’s Word, get it in your heart and your mouth, and put it into action. Doing that will involve fighting your way through some opposition. At times, it will even require you to be as fierce and determined as the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5.
…….Sick, weak and dying, she was forbidden by Jewish law to even be out in the street. But when she heard about the gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus was preaching and about all the sick people in His meetings who were getting healed, faith rose in her heart. “If I can just touch His robe, I will be healed,” she said. Mk.5:28 And getting up out of bed she headed out to find Jesus. Talk about having to fight through opposition! This woman not only had to press through her symptoms and defy religious law to get to the healing meeting, once she got there she found Jesus surrounded by a huge crowd of people. It looked impossible to get anywhere near Him! Even so, she did not give up. She forced her way through the throng, touched the hem of Jesus’ garment, and instantly, the bible says, she was healed. Jesus said in Mtt. 11:12, “A share in the heavenly Kingdom is sought with most ardent zeal and intense exertion, and the violent take it by force. ”
That’s a good description of how this woman went after her healing. She went after it with intensity. She exerted a lot of effort and overcame a lot of opposition. But the results were worth the press. They always are! When you press through and receive THE BLESSINGS of God’s Kingdom, even if you have to fight through some obstacles and resistance, in the end you’re always glad you did. The results are always worth the press. But Gloria, you might say, I don’t see why that kind of press should be necessary for me as a New Testament believer. I’m a citizen of God’s Kingdom. Why should I have to fight to lay hold of His BLESSINGS? Why doesn’t He just give them to me? He has given them to you! He’s BLESSED you with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Eph.1:3 He’s provided for you every BLESSING in the bible and they’re all waiting for you now in the realm of the spirit. You just have to reach out and take them. How do you do that? By faith.
What God said to Moses is true for all times: “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Ex.33:14 He said to Jacob: ” I am with you and I will watch over you wherever you go. ” Gen. 28:15 He said to Joshua: “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Joshua 1:5 He said to Israel: “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand….When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. Isa. 41:10, 43:2 He says to us: Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. ” Matt. 28:20
God is with us, walking everywhere incognito, as C.S. Lewis said. “And the incognito is not always hard to penetrate. The real labour is to remember, to attend. In fact, to come awake. Still more, to remain awake. ” The main thing to remember is to make ourselves think about His presence; to acknowledge that He is with us as real as He was in the days of His flesh when He walked with His disciples amid the sorrows and haunts of this world.
Friends fail us, spouses walk out on us, parents disappoint us, therapists refuse to return our calls, but God is with us every moment of every day. When we ford the deep waters, when we pass through the fire, when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, He is there.
I walked a mile with Pleasure, She chatted all the way, But I was none the wiser, For all she had to say,
I walked a mile with Sorrow, And ne’er a word said she, But Oh the things I learned from her, When Sorrow walked with me.
God’s Amazing Love Is Melting the Chains
You have been released from your past, Child of God. And I heard this, “God’s Amazing Love is MELTING the chains.”
At The Cross, Jesus broke the chains of your past. All curses, all sin, all the results of sin in this world including sickness, disease and death have been BROKEN!
You have been set free. But sometimes we still have the “memories” in our minds and bodies and carry scars both mental and physical.
Now the Love of God, who is Jesus, has not only set you free from the chains but NOW is literally melting them away with the Intense Heat of His Love.
You are a NEW creation, the old has passed, the new has come. Jesus took the scars so that you would lose yours forever.
Let Him touch you now with the very Flame of Yahweh! Be free! Love has a Name! Jesus!
“Beloved. He whom the Son sets free is free indeed. I know you carry scars, My Child, both mental and physical.
But I have come not only to set you free but to deliver you. My work on The Cross was a complete work.
I do not just save you spiritually, but I have saved you emotionally and physically. My Love has come to remove the painful remnants of your past that linger.
I carry scars, My Beloved, so that you don’t have to. I carried the curse, so that you would be blessed. This is the Amazing Love you have heard about.
Though you live in a fallen world, I have made you a NEW creation to walk in My Fullness. The Blood of the Lamb breaks every chain.
Now I AM The LORD who is Spirit, and where the Spirit of The LORD is, there is freedom.
Your God is a Consuming Fire. Come, all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.
My Strength is made perfect in your weakness. I AM your Healer. Where there is an imperfection, My Love shall melt it away.
There is no spot in you, My Love. There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
The law of The Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.
The God of All Compassion has come to wipe away your tears. Weep no longer, My Child.
Rise up, My Sons and Daughters, and walk in Newness of Life. I make you whole. My Anointing upon you breaks every yoke.
I shall keep you safe and sound. My Fire has come to free you once and for all time. Beloved, be of good comfort; your faith has made you whole. And I declare you whole from this very hour.”
See Yourself In the Fullness of God –
Activated Through Your Words and Actions
“My Purpose in this moment of your life is that you find your ascension in Me,” says The Father.
“I have already come to you in full humanity. I expect you now to see in yourself the fullness of My Divinity in your heart, in your circumstance, and your situation.
“Draw on the finished work. The enemy wants you to think something is lacking, which is why your answer is not forthcoming. That is not My truth.
“There is no further action necessary to bring a total and miraculous transformation to your life. Lay hold to and activate with your words and actions all that My Descent into the human condition afforded.
“The act of faith and the words of faith I AM looking for from you have nothing to do with calling Me down again or raising Me up again, or repeating anything I have already fulfilled.
“Trust in the finished work,” says The Father.
“The provision of Calvary is an “ascension” provision. I AM not coming down again (to suffer); you are going to have to come up to Me. I have made provision for you to do exactly that.
“Come up to Me, and be seated in Me and with Me. From that place, you will rule and conquer now. There is no victory or authority in eternity that cannot be accessed by your audacious and boldness of faith for your ‘now,’” says The Father.
“I AM reproducing My faithfulness in you. Even today, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate My Confidence and My Rest in the midst of conflict and difficulty. Say within yourself, “I will have the faith of God.” Be determined!” says The Father, “and be resolute.
“You will never be disappointed when you assume that I will come through for you and stand by you when all others falter and flee.
“It is not a presumption to expect that I will produce a miracle in your life. It is not arrogance to expect My Word and My Promises to you to come to pass.
“Man’s idea of humility carries a component of unbelief and timidity within it. That is not what I say is humility,” says The Father.
“True humility is expecting what I say to come to pass no matter what the circumstance indicates or what others think will or will not happen.
“True humility operates on the assumption that you can do what My words say — that you can do and have what My Words say you can have.
“True humility will never allow the circumstance to contradict what I have promised. I exalt the humble, and I will deliver the contrite of heart.
“I AM gathering you to My bosom in the high and lofty place where sin cannot stain you, and Satan cannot torment. Take your solace in Me, and expect Me to be who I AM and do what I can do in your life today.”
Revival, Refreshing, and Outpouring
“I AM pouring out My Spirit upon you in this season,” says The LORD.
“You have cried out to Me for more, and I said, “Yes!” I will fill you with My Spirit. I will satisfy the thirst that you have for Me.
“I will fill you to overflowing, and you will minister to others. There will be a fountain of life in you that will spring up from the very depths of your spirit, and it will produce life all around you.
“This is the very times of refreshing that you have longed for. I AM rewarding your desire. I AM answering your call. I say, “Yes!” Revival is on the way.
“Your dry and thirsty land that seems so barren and unproductive is about to change! I AM coming on the scene. The desert place of your existence will become fertile soil again,” says The LORD.
“I AM pouring out of My Spirit into your family and relationships,” says The LORD.
“I AM reviving love between your family members. My Love is unfailing. I want to rekindle Love within you, and My Spirit is on scene and on task to accomplish just that.
“The Love is going to return! I AM rejuvenating the warmth in your relationships with the Fire of My Spirit.
“You wanted to live again and it is coming! I AM bringing life into every area of your existence by My Spirit. For even as I said, it is not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,
“I AM reminding you that revival in every aspect of your existence is available in My Spirit and I will revive your personal land.
“Your environment of the lifelessness, barrenness, dryness, and the mundane is over. You will produce again, and I AM calling for increase by My Spirit.
“I AM reviving your joy. You have moped around long enough. Joy is My desire for you as you press into My Presence, where I AM pouring out My Spirit upon you and into you.
“You will be alive and vibrant as I revive and refresh you. I AM life, and I AM life in you. Showers of blessing are on the way, and you will be completely satisfied with the impact that it will have on you and all around you,” says The LORD.
“You shall reign in life as a King,” says The LORD.
“I have made My beloved children Kings and priests unto Me. It is a now Royalty. It is a now Authority. It is a now Dominion.
“I didn’t make you to be run over; I have made you to Rule. This is not just in Heaven, but on earth. As you pray, “Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” it shall. My Kingdom is in you, and I have empowered you with My Spirit and have given you My Name to use.
“There is no other name that is higher. Every knee shall bow in heaven and earth and under the earth to My great Name.
“Every being shall confess Me to be King of kings and LORD of Lords. At My Name principalities and powers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places must submit.
“Use My Name, for I have given it to you to conquer the enemy and defeat every dark force. I have given you My Name to enforce My Kingdom on earth.
“No power can resist My Name, and it is inscribed upon you. You are mighty through Me! You are undefeatable in Me. You are an overcomer in Me.
“By My Spirit and power and My great Name, you will cause My Kingdom Purposes and My Government to expand around you on earth.
“Enforce My Kingdom to be on earth as you stand in faith and boldly engage in warfare against the enemy,” says The LORD.
“Do not listen to his threats,” says The LORD.
“You are a threat to him. You are his worst enemy as you arm yourself in My Armor and face him head on. You will not be able to be overrun, but you will tread on him.
“He will be openly defeated, for I have made you more than a Conqueror, and more than an Overcomer. You won’t just make it and barely win, but you will win hands down.
“I AM with you to insure your success every time, so that you do not lose the battle or the war. No more compromising with the dark one.
“No negotiations. Hold your head up high. Wag your head at the enemy. Let Him know that you are not afraid of him.
“Never cower. You are the absolute victor in Me every time, for as I cannot be defeated, neither can you. Trust that I have made you a valiant warrior that leads in the fray and has no tolerance for the enemy’s threats.
“You shall reign in life as a King now, as you arm yourself with Me and strap on The Sword of My Spirit and face every foe with confidence, knowing that certain victory is yours always, for I wouldn’t have it any other way,” says The LORD
Turn to JESUS. Take The Medicine of His Stripes by Faith like a child. You will be healed and your youth renewed like the eagle’s.
Finally, it is indispensable to repent for any personal, parental, ancestral and other sins that the accuser (the devil) may be holding onto as a legal claim before GOD to bring sick and disease.
Therefore, pray:
FATHER, in JESUS’ NAME, by THE BLOOD OF JESUS, I repent of my personal, parental, ancestral, and other sins that got me into covenant with the devil to bring this infirmity.
In JESUS’ Name, by THE BLOOD OF CHRIST, I renounce, revoke and remove, yes, I break all personal, parental, ancestral and other agreements and covenants with Satan.
FATHER, let THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST Your SON make atonement for my soul, redeem and cleanse my life and bloodline from all unrighteousness.
By THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST Your SON, redeem, release, set me free and purify me from all yokes, strongholds, soul ties, sins, shame, schemes, pursuits, persecutions, passions, hindrances, harassments, fellowships, distractions, disguises, devices, detours, destructions, desires, demons, demands, delays, defilements, deaths, curses, covenants, contracts, consequences, communions, claims, captivities, bondages, agreements and accords thereof.
In JESUS’ NAME, I pray The Stripes of JESUS into my (mention part of the body) and command it healed; for by His Stripes we are HEALED! Amen. THANK YOU JESUS.
Now, in THE NAME of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, with The Power of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, I STOP time right now and ask You JESUS CHRIST — The Same yesterday, today and forever, to go into all moments of my life, family and ancestry, undo all unrighteousness, and replace all with All Righteousness, Your Righteousness, Your Glory — All Your Goodness, The Blood of Sprinkling that speaks better things; thus by THE BLOOD OF JESUS redeeming the time (and everything lost in time), because the days are evil. For JESUS CHRIST is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Joshua 10:12-14; Hebrews 13:8; Ephesians 5:15).
Thank You JESUS for Your Grace, Mercy, Power and GREAT Glory.
LORD, in JESUS’ NAME, I ask, decree and declare that CHRIST be MAGNIFIED in my body now and always according to Philippians 1:20. Yes, let CHRIST The One Who is THE GOD OF GLORY, THE KING OF GLORY, THE LORD OF GLORY, The Sun of Righteousness with healing in His Wings, The Brightness of GOD’s Glory, THE BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR, THE LIGHT, THE TRUE LIGHT, THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, THE LIGHT of The Holy City, New Jerusalem, be MAGNIFIED in my body – now and foreve JOSEPH How many journeys did Joseph make from the pit to the palace ? t.b.c. He made the actual, physical journey when he was sold by his brothers to an Ishmaelite caravan going to Egypt with their spices to be sold there. Most likely it was a camel-drawn caravan, travelling on dirt road, so there was no clip-clop, clip-clop on tarmac from horses’ hooves. Yet for mile after mile he did not think about what his future might be, but he thought of all that he was leaving behind, and no going back! t.b.c. He was leaving his father, his beloved brother Benjamin, his homeland, his dream and God’s plan for his life. Little did he know that each step of the journey, and everything, however unjust and cruel that had already happened and was going to happen to him were not stumbling blocks but stepping stones to the fulfillment of his God-given destiny. t.b.c. Most likely there was a language barrier between Joseph and the Ishmalites . So he was trapped in his thoughts all through his journey to Egypt. At least the Ishmaelites would not have treated him badly, so that when he stood on the auction block naked, to be examined by potential buyers, they would see that his body was without wounds, scars or diseases. And this way the Ishmaelites could sell him for more than they had paid for him. t.b.c. So even to the Ishmaelites Joseph was a blessing. In Potifer’s house, in prison, in Pharoah’s palace Joseph was a blessing. It was the same with his father Jacob when he worked for Laban. The Blessing of Abraham was passed down the generations. “And if ye be Christ’s……” Gal. 3:29 t.b.c. The second journey Joseph made from the pit to the palace was his mental/emotional journey. t.b.c. How long does it take to travel 200 miles by camel from the promised land to Egypt? Joseph had all that time to marinate in his emotions. He would have agonized about his father and brother being heartbroken, crushed and devastated to hear that he was dead, killed by a wild animal. t.b.c. Was Joseph quick to forgive his brothers, before he got to Egypt, or did he forgive them sometime after as Potifer’s slave. This would have been the beginning of his third journey, his spiritual journey. t.b.c. Joseph was a young, handsome, bronzed and virile young man and Mrs. Potifer fancied him. She tempted him daily, saying “Come lie with me.” She might have added what the prostitute in Proverbs said, ” Stolen waters are sweet and bread eaten in secret is pleasant. ” t.b.c. But Joseph’s reply was, How can I do this great evil and sin against God. He was walking in the fear of God although it may have seemed that God had forsaken him and forgotten about him. He chose God rather than the pleasures of Egypt. t.b.c. Sexual immorality was not on Joseph’s bucket list, but walking in the fear of God was; not as a one-off event but as a lifetime commitment. ( fear of God-awe, respect, reverance towards God. Pro.2:5 the reverant and worshipful fear of the Lord…. t.b.c. Later on Joseph was able to say, according to the meaning of the name of his first son, Mannasah – God has helped me to forget my toil and my father’s house. His second son was called Ephraim, meaning God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction. t.b.c. When two of his inmates told their dreams to Joseph he did not say, Dreams! Dreams! Dreams! I’m sick of them! My own dreams are shattered! He did not get selfish, feeling sorry for himself or started sulking. He was gracious and interpreted the two dreams which did come true. t.b.c. ( Somebody prayed, Father, help me to be gracious, even when the tears are falling. ) t.b.c. One more night in prison, and the next day Joseph was made governor of Egypt, second in command to Pharoah after he had interpreted his dream. Suddenly!!! Acceleration!!! t.b.c. By the time his brothers came to Egypt to buy grain because of the famine, Joseph was living out his destiny. But revenge on his brothers was not on his mind. As he said to them, “You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good. t.b.c. After Joseph rejected Potipher’s wife she probably went into town for some retail therapy! Maybe she saw Joseph passing by in his chariot and thought, I could have had a piece of that pie. But Joseph is faithful, honourable, a man of integrity who walks in the fear of his God. Maybe Potipher will buy another slave and I will have another chance. Well, tomorrow is another day. To her slave, Come on girl. I want to go to the jewellery shop.