
If you do not forgive others, neither will I forgive you. Mtt.6:14-15. And if God does not forgive us, then He cannot bless us, because “Your sins have separated you from your God.”

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Never Alone

June Sheltrown Reinke

“I AM with you always,” says The LORD.

“You never need to be alone. I will wrap you in My arms of love, and hold you close to Me.

“You are My beloved child, and nothing can keep Me from you. You are precious and priceless to Me.

“Trust in My love for you that is infallible and continual. For nothing can separate you from My love or from Me.

“I will stay faithfully by your side and hold you up and keep you from falling or failing. You are greatly beloved of Me,” says The LORD.

“I will never put a stumbling block in front of you, and you will not be in a maze, to confuse you or puzzle you or distract you,” says The LORD.

“For I will not only enlighten the path before you, but I will make it straight. You need not be confused. For I did not bring you into confusion.

“The enemy is the cause of that. I Am the cure! I will take you by the hand and lead you gently on, for you will never fall as I hold you up and keep you steady on your feet. It is My love for you that you can depend upon, and you will never know Me to be unfaithful to you, ever,” says The LORD.

The Breath of God, Holy Oil and The Fragrance!

Deborah Waldron Fry

“The Breath of God, Holy Oil, and The Fragrance of the Living Tree of Life”

I had a Vision of the most beautiful Tree.

This Tree is in the Garden of Righteousness. It gave out the most beautiful Fragrance.

This Tree of Life was alive and breathing, and the Fragrance of Heaven was in the Holy Oil that dripped from its branches. It flowed down upon all that would come to receive it.

The Fruit was abundant and its leaves were for the healing of the nations.

Jesus is this Tree of Life!

Did you know that the early Church fathers spoke of The Spirit as not only power, wind, and fire, but a Heavenly Fragrance that filled the house?

This fact has been left out of most of the English translations. Read about “The Odor of the Spirit at Pentecost” below.

“Beloved. I AM the Tree of Life from which all blessings flow.

As I breathed upon My Disciples, so I breathe upon you — and you shall walk in Newness of Life.

It is a Divine Deep Breathing which releases the Fragrance of Heaven.

I AM anointing you with this Fragrant Oil upon your head, running down upon you and your generations forevermore.

The Sweet Breath of God clings to your garments of Salvation and your Robe of Righteousness, and sets you apart as My Holy Bride without spot or wrinkle.

So receive this Anointing from the Tree of Life, that breaks chains and destroys yokes; the Oil of Life, the Balm of Gilead falls from the Leaves for the Healing of the nations.

The Tree of Life in the Garden of Righteousness breathes forth incorruption upon My Church.

I give you an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled; that does not fade away, accomplished in Heaven for you, and you shall be kept by the Power of your God through faith.

Holy Inspiration shall come upon you and you will breathe forth fragrant prophecy to edify and comfort My Church.

I AM the Strong and Dependable and Sturdy Vine, and you are the branch from Whom you receive your Divine Strength and Life and Fragrance.

All creation has been groaning for the manifestation of the Sons and Daughters of God and you are now anointed and appointed and ready to be revealed in these last days.

I shall always causes you to triumph and you shall make manifest the Savor of My Knowledge in every place.

For you are unto your God a Sweet Savor of Christ, to those that are saved, and to those who are perishing.

This is My Promise to you, “And you shall be like a Tree planted by streams of Water, yielding its Fruit in season, whose leaf does not wither, and who prospers in all he does!””

Jesus BREATHED on them : John 20:21-22 : “Again Jesus said to them, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent Me, so also I am sending you.” When He had said this, He breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” “

The Odor of the Spirit at Pentecost:
“Divine deep breathing, God’s Breathy, fragrance released with the Spirit. We could render our Greek: “then came suddenly a sound from heaven while as it were a strong smell The divine perfumes are unique, ambrosia and nectar, and of surpassing sweetness.
A voice of mystery was heard by them and a sweet odor which is strange to the world was diffused on them, and tongues of fire, between the Voice and the odor, came down to them from heaven, and alighted and sat upon every one of them, and according to the tongue which each of them had received he prepared himself to go to that country in which that tongue was spoken.
At the third hour of the Holy Sunday of Pentecost, a mighty sound was heard, so that all men were terrified. and marveled at the mightiness of the sound; and the chamber was filled with an ineffably strong light. And there appeared over the head of each one of them (something) in the form of tongues of fire, and there BREATHED forth from thence a SWEET ODOR which surpassed all aromas in the world.
Suddenly the sound of heavy thunder came and from the force of the sound, the inhabitants of Jerusalem were terrified, and there was seen above that upper room fire that was formed in the likeness of a burning ball; and a vapor of smoke and a sweet fragrant wind blowing in the midst of the upper room and around it; and from that ardent flame there were distributed gifts in the form of tongues of fire.
But the spirit is not like “a current of wind or a certain gentle breeze which may be felt, but just as if some fragrance of ointment or incense made out of a refined mixture, a power diffusing itself by some impulse of fragrance which is inconceivable and superior to what one can express . . . And the fragrance of the Spirit is wafted onward occupying an intermediate position, and proceeds forth, just as is diffused the odor of incense offerings (laid) in fire.”

Acts 2:1-3, All above translations came from the Journal of Biblical Literature written by the early Church fathers, Ephrem Syrus, (350 A.D.) Isho’dad of Merv, (850 A.D.) and Hippolytus of Rome(170 A.D.)

SAVOR : Strong’s Greek 2175: A sweet smell, fragrance. From a compound of eu and a derivative of ozo; good-scentedness, i.e. Fragrance. The common Old Testament term, ‘the soothing odor,’ which occurs in the parallel account in Genesis 8 , and elsewhere. A balm of life.
The Book of Enoch also refers to such odors from the TREES of the garden of Righteousness, or the trees that encircle God’s throne, or the trees of life or of knowledge.
“Jesus, being Himself the perfect sweet savor without need and without lack is always full of all good things, having in Himself all sweet savor and all exhalations of fragrant things.”
The Temple gave forth the ambrosial odor that greets from afar one that approaches with its good Breath, a Breath that clings to the garments as one departs. (We are His Temple)
“And since the Spirit is thought of as inspiring the prophets, Origen, and Eusebius speak of the odor that breathes from the prophecies. So Hippolytus, of 2 Pet. 1 19 ‘the fragrant word.”

(Jesus baptism) “And straightway, a great light shone, and the Jordan was surrounded by white clouds, and the Jordan stood still ‘quietly from its course, its waters not being troubled and a scent of perfumes was wafted thence.” Matthew 3 15-17.

“While the King was at His table, My perfume gave forth its fragrance. “My Beloved is to me a pouch of myrrh which lies all night between my breasts.” (Heart) Song of Solomon 1:12-13.

“Let him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth! For your love is more delightful than wine. The FRAGRANCE OF YOUR PERFUME is pleasing; Your Name is like PERFUME POURED OUT. No wonder the maidens adore You. Take me away with You—let us hurry! May the King bring me to His chambers. We will rejoice and delight in You; we will praise Your Love more than wine. It is only right that they adore You.…” Song of Solomon 1:2-4.

“Be imitators of God, therefore, as beloved children, and walk in love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a FRAGRANT sacrificial offering to God.” Ephesians 5:1-2.

“Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ, and makes manifest the SAVOR of His knowledge by us in every place. For we are unto God a SWEET SAVOR of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: To the one we are the savor of death unto death; and to the other the savor of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?” 2 Corinthians 2:14-16.

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes!” Psalm 133:1-2.

” You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in Me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the Vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me. I am the Vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” John 15:3-5. ( Thank you to Dolores Granados for reminding me of this verse)

“Only Christ Himself is the true Vine, in whom the people of God are formed into the mystical body of Christ. This is the fruit of His love (redemption). Jesus calls Himself a vine, because, as the vine imparts to its branches sap and productiveness, so Christ infuses into His followers His own divine strength and life.”

THE SCIENCE OF SCENT : Scent is an often underappreciated sense, and it has a powerful effect on our emotions and well-being. The olfactory system has a direct pathway to the limbic system, which includes the amygdala and the hippocampus, regions of the brain that are involved in emotion and memory. When we inhale a particular scent, the molecules travel through our nose, bind to olfactory receptors, and send signals to our brain, which can trigger emotional and physiological responses. This explains why a whiff of a certain perfume can evoke vivid memories or why certain scents can calm us down or make us feel more alert. . .Solid research exists, and there is a clear and established link that positive moods and emotions can be elicited via the inhalation of aromas.. (Yale University)