God’s Amazing Love Is Melting the Chains

November 22nd, 2021

Deborah Waldron Fry

You have been released from your past, Child of God. And I heard this, “God’s Amazing Love is MELTING the chains.”

At The Cross, Jesus broke the chains of your past. All curses, all sin, all the results of sin in this world including sickness, disease and death have been BROKEN!

You have been set free. But sometimes we still have the “memories” in our minds and bodies and carry scars both mental and physical.

Now the Love of God, who is Jesus, has not only set you free from the chains but NOW is literally melting them away with the Intense Heat of His Love.

You are a NEW creation, the old has passed, the new has come. Jesus took the scars so that you would lose yours forever.

Let Him touch you now with the very Flame of Yahweh! Be free! Love has a Name! Jesus!

“Beloved. He whom the Son sets free is free indeed. I know you carry scars, My Child, both mental and physical.

But I have come not only to set you free but to deliver you. My work on The Cross was a complete work.

I do not just save you spiritually, but I have saved you emotionally and physically. My Love has come to remove the painful remnants of your past that linger.

I carry scars, My Beloved, so that you don’t have to. I carried the curse, so that you would be blessed. This is the Amazing Love you have heard about.

Though you live in a fallen world, I have made you a NEW creation to walk in My Fullness. The Blood of the Lamb breaks every chain.

Now I AM The LORD who is Spirit, and where the Spirit of The LORD is, there is freedom.

Your God is a Consuming Fire. Come, all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.

My Strength is made perfect in your weakness. I AM your Healer. Where there is an imperfection, My Love shall melt it away.

There is no spot in you, My Love. There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

The law of The Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.

The God of All Compassion has come to wipe away your tears. Weep no longer, My Child.

Rise up, My Sons and Daughters, and walk in Newness of Life. I make you whole. My Anointing upon you breaks every yoke.

I shall keep you safe and sound. My Fire has come to free you once and for all time. Beloved, be of good comfort; your faith has made you whole. And I declare you whole from this very hour.”

WHOLE : Strong’s Greek 4982: SOZO: to save, keep safe and sound, to rescue from danger or destruction. To keep one (from injury or peril); to save a suffering one (from perishing), i.e. one suffering from disease, to make well, heal, restore to health. To preserve one who is in danger of destruction, to save or rescue. To save in the technical biblical sense. To deliver out of danger and into safety; used principally of God rescuing believers from the penalty and power of sin — and into His provisions (safety). [4982 (s?z?) is the root of: 4990 /s?t?r (“Savior”), 4991 /s?t?ría (“salvation”) and the adjectival form, 4992 /s?t?rion (what is “saved/rescued from destruction and brought into divine safety”).]

SCIENCE of memory : Implicit memory is often experienced as a memory stored in our body, like the “muscle memory” of riding a bike that remains in your body even if it has been years since you last rode a bike.
This is the principle at the core of understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This is why a veteran with PTSD from active combat will jump and feel a surge of adrenaline at the sound of fireworks exploding on the Fourth of July.
Or why an assault-survivor will feel their body tense and prepare to run when they sense someone who looks/sounds/smells like their attacker. These stimuli are triggering the implicit memory encoded in the amygdala and producing a real-time physical response. These body memories come complete with changes in muscle activation, breathing, heart rate, sweating, stress hormones and more.
This is how memories of past experiences, encoded in our bodies, can have a very real impact on your physical body in the present. And it is possible to experience the physical expression of an implicit memory without having conscious awareness (explicit memory) of where it came from.
JESUS HAS FREED YOU FROM EVERY MEMORY THAT WAS NEGATIVE TO YOU. No longer shall it impact your health, mind of body or soul! ? HALLELUJAH!

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36.

“Now The LORD is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of The LORD is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17.

“But now He has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation.” Colossians 1:22.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1.

“Through Jesus everyone who believes is set free from EVERY sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses.” Acts 13:39.

“And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you WHOLE. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction.”” Mark 5:34.

“So Jesus answered and said to him, “What do you want Me to do for you?” The blind man said to Him, “Rabboni, that I may receive my sight.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you WHOLE.”” Mark 10:51-52.

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:1-2.

“You are all fair, My love, And there is no SPOT in you. (Defect, blemish, stain, shame, disfigurement)” Song of Solomon 4:7.

About Me

March 31st, 2009

Before I was saved , years ago, I used to write poems in praise of God as He is revealed in nature. Ps.19:1 ,   Rm. 1:19-20. I also wrote some secular songs.

I came from a Hindu family and after becoming a Christian I started writing Christian  songs to the tune of old hymns and to some secular songs,and I also started  writing Christian books.
I was a nurse but of all these things what I love most  is to teach the  Word of God, which was confirmed by a prophetic word- “I see a teacher, a bible teacher.”
Praise God, all these gifts come together in writing this blog. But  it will be nothing without the holy Spirit working in it and through it for the building up of the body of Christ , and for His glory.
Teaching the word is my purpose. I have also received many prophesies concerning other ministry. We each have a God-given purpose and God-given gifts and abilities to fulfil  that purpose.  People have always  expressed their appreciation and gratitude whenever  I led in a bible study, or teaching, or counselling  which was based heavily on teaching the Word as a foundation for repentance and forgiveness.  They have also been blessed and lives changed ( read “Repentance” for an example of this. ) , also after reading my book Conversations With Christ and a booklet titled Jesus Wept – A Book Of Consolation.
This is a testimony to the glory of  God. Sorry, after I was given permission to write on Repentance which was on the blog for a few weeks, the person it concerned changed her mind so I cannot blog  it again. She thought she would be recognised by people who know her.

On Easter Sunday, 2013, my senior pastor gave me a prophetic word – “The anointing is on you to teach the word and disciple others.” This is confirmation of a similar word I received about ten years ago!

Another pastor from the small group said she had a picture of me as a bread basket. This is exactly the word someone else in a small group gave me  about 23 years ago!!   The word of God is the bread of life. I was a nurse. That was my job; but my work is holistic nursing supernaturally.  God is faithful to all His promises.

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Three animated birds at a bird bath


The  very first time I received divine guidance was when I was attending Teacher’s Training College. It was the first day of the second term when we were all in assembly hall in the morning.  While the principal was talking, suddenly I heard a voice clearly  from behind me and to the right. I heard the words  , “Go to England and do nursing.”   In Isa. 30:21 it says, “And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.”    So  Teacher’s training was turning to the right or to the left, whereas Nursing was  the  “way” I was supposed to walk in.  I left at the end of the week, and in nine months’ time I was in England for my Nurse  Training.

This first divine guidance was in January.  I had been searching for God for about seven years, and in May, in a quiet moment at home, I heard the words,(this time it was a little softer, and within me, )  “Jesus is all.”   I felt peace then, and when I started to read the epistles, I saw  in Col. 3:11   ” Christ is all, and in all.”   So the holy Spirit was showing me Jesus, as He said Himself, the holy Spirit will not speak of Himself, but He will take the things of Me and show it to you. I was searching for God and the holy Spirit pointed me to Jesus – after all, He is the door;  no man cometh to the Father but by Me .  Praise God!

The third and last time I was led by an audible voice  was when I was a student nurse. One  afternoon when the ward was quiet, another nurse and I were in the  office eating chocolates! so there was no nurse in the ward itself.  Suddenly I heard (in almost a whisper )  the words  within me,   “Go into the ward.” As I came out of the office and looked to the right, I saw Matron walk into the corridor of the ward!   So the holy Spirit had led me to do the responsible thing before I saw Matron.  And she would have seen that I was being responsible to go back into the ward without seeing her first.

Animated white dove flying

Wherever  I worked I lived in the Nurses  Home for years.  But the time came when I longed to have my own house.  I don’t think I prayed about this,  but it was the desire of my heart.

On night duty one night I did something I  did not usually do.  The other nurses read magazines and the newspapers, but being in charge of the ward I did not read these things.  However, on this particular night, I looked through a newspaper.  I was not looking for anything   but I happened to see an ad. –  for a fully furnished flat for sale.

When I was off  duty  I made enquiries and went to see the flat.  I did not like the look  of the bathroom  that needed repainting, and mentioned this to the estate agent.  When I went back to look at the flat again, the  bathroom was now tiled from floor to one foot from the ceiling, with barley coloured tiles  with a beautiful polished shine. Perfect!  So I got my flat with upgraded bathroom!  It was providential looking  through the newspaper that night.      When I sold my flat and moved up north to live in Lancaster, where my sister lives,  I looked at about eight houses, none of which I liked.

One  morning when I was praying  ( I was not praying for a house, I was not even thinking about finding one.)   I suddenly   “heard” the words within me  ” Look in Morecambe.”   ( This is probably the way those who speak prophetically  “hear” the words they are speaking out, maybe , I don’t know.  Some see pictures and describe it.  )    I came to Morecambe to look for a house that was advertised by  one agent; I did not like it.    On the way back,  we saw a For Sale sign for another house in the same row of houses.  But we had no appointment, and were not in touch with that estate agent.  So we drove away for about a mile and then decided to turn back and  ask to view the house as we had seen a lady through the window  earlier.

We viewed the house, liked it, put in an offer, but the lady was not interested as I had not yet sold my flat.   But there was a moment when I just knew the house  was mine!  When we saw it again with the estate agent, there was another  viewer  coming in as we were  going out, and the lady said a man was coming to see it a second time.

End of story, I bought the house with conservatory and  the tiles from floor to ceiling  in the bathroom are even  more beautiful than the ones I had  in my flat!   God is good!     I have also been led by dreams.  Two people said to me that I would be led by dreams, and God would show me what is going to happen.        One night I dreamt of a number, of all things.

The number was 2513.  I did not know what it meant and forgot about it.   About two weeks later I was reading a christian book and the author was talking about forgiveness   in the chapter I was reading.  She said she remembered the number of the page in her bible where she was reading about forgiveness!   The number was 1253.  And suddenly I remembered the number I had dreamt of.

These two numbers are not the same but they both have the same digits!    I was supposed to do a bible study, and before I had the dream I prayed to know what bible study to do.  As she mentioned forgiveness on the page that had the same digits in the number I dreamt of , I thought that was God’s guidance  for the bible study.     I was   right.  The lady said I had helped her so much, and that I was sending her home to think a lot.


A few years ago  I  saw in a dream that the pages of a big bible were turning on their own, very, very, very fast!   The pages stopped turning, and at the top left hand corner of the page that was open, I read the scripture  in  3 John 2 –    Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.   I thought it meant being renewed in the spirit of  your  mind.  It includes that , if at all.   But more on this later.

When  I first  asked  to become a member of Father’s House,  one of the pastors  said to me on the phone that there was a call on me to become a member of this church.  By faith I say that will evolve.   Also I have about four pages of prophesy  given over the years; some are confirmation of  what was said before.  God cannot lie, and He does not speak idle words.  His word does not return to Him void.

Last May 2016, our senior pastor said he was leaving.  That was upsetting news  for the church.  That night, at 3 o’clock  in the morning,  the Lord downloaded a word of comfort and encouragement which I thought I would put on my blog.     But I asked the pastor if he thought it was worth sharing with the church in which case I would send it by email to everyone.         He said  it was worth sharing and he wanted me to read it out to the church, which I eventually did.        I was amazed and humbled that God had chosen me to  give a word to and to share it with the church.        When I had asked to become a member of the church I was told that there was a call on me to be a member of this church, and  by faith I say   sharing that word is a foretaste of things to come.


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